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Built-in functions of the Dart package

BubiUser(phoneNumber, pin) (phoneNumber, and pin needs to be a string)

  • info() (async) - returns user information in JSON (not map) format -> if you want it in map format, import json, and use json.decode(info())
  • getScreenName() (async) - grabs the screen name from info(), and returns it
  • getLoginKey() (async) - grabs the login key from info(), and returns it
  • callOtherEndpoint(relativeURL, data) (async) - (relativeURL needs to be a string, and data needs to be a map) calls the specified endpoint with the specified data (plus loginkey, domain, apikey, show_errors), and returns the output. (you can find endpoints here)
  • rentBike(bikeNumber) (async) - (bikeNumber needs to be an integer) rents a bike, and returns the output
  • getRentals() (async) - returns information about the user's rentals
  • getClosedRentals() (async) - returns closed rentals from getRentals()
  • getActiveRentals() (async) - returns active rentals
  • getPaymentLinks() (async) - returns information about payment links
  • getSubscriptionInfo() (async) - returns the end of the subscription, and the type of the subscription
  • getSubScriptionType() (async) - returns the type of the subscription based on getSubscriptionInfo() (monthly, or annual)
  • getEndOfSubscription() (async) - returns the end of the subscription based on getSubscriptionInfo() (date)
  • moreInfo() (async) - returns a LOT of information about the user
  • getRentalDetails() (async) - returns information about the current rental


  • listAllStations() (async) - returns a JSON object containing all stations
  • listAllBikes() (async) - returns a JSON object containing all bikes
  • listAllBikesFormatted() (async) - returns a JSON object containing all bikes (without the unnecessary parts)
  • listAllStationsFormatted() (async) - returns a JSON object containing all stations (without the unnecessary parts)
  • getNearestStations(lat, lon) (async) - (lat, and lon needs to be a float) returns a JSON object containing all stations, sorted by proximity to lat, and lon. Distance is counted in geographical degrees. (calculated using the Pythagorean theorem)
  • getNearestStation(lat, lon) (async) - (lat, and lon needs to be a float) returns the nearest station's name by latitude, and longitude (based on the first key of getNearestStations)
  • getNearestStationByAddress(address) (async) - returns the nearest station's name by address (using getNearestStation(), and OpenStreetMap API)
  • listAllBikesOnStations(stationName) (async) - returns all the bikes on a station (and the number of these bikes, and information about these bikes)
  • countBikesOnStation(stationName) (async) - counts all the bikes on a station (using listAllBikesOnStation()), and returns the counter
  • getCoordinatesOfStation(stationName) (async) - returns the coordinates of a station (latitude, longitude)


  • register() - Work in progress...
  • pinReset(mobile) - Work in progress...
  • getNews() (async) - Returns all the news in a JSON format
  • getNewsFormatted() (async) - Returns all the news from the mobile app without the unnecessary parts (based on getNews())
  • readNew(uid) (async) - Returns the HTML page of a specific new article with the given uid (based on getNewsFormatted()) (uid needs to be an integer)