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Overview of the Dart package

There you can find a simple guide for using the package.

There are two classes: BubiUser, and BubiMap. In this tutorial, I'll use these classes.

First of all, make a new Dart app. To achieve this, run dart create -t console-full openbubi-tutorial, and go to that folder (cd openbubi-tutorial).

Then go to the lib folder

cd lib

, and download openbubi.dart there.


Then go back to the bin folder

cd ../bin/

And clear all the code from cli.dart.

Now you can start editing your first OpenBubi-Dart program.

1.) Import the package

import 'package:openbubi_tutorial/openbubi.dart' as openbubi;

2.) Make a new instance of the BubiUser, and the BubiMap class

// making a BubiUser instance (this takes two arguments)
openbubi.BubiUser testUser = new openbubi.BubiUser("phoneNumber", "pin");
// Making a BubiMap instance (this takes no argument)
openbubi.BubiMap testMap = new openbubi.BubiMap();

3.) Print the name of the testUser user

print(await testUser.getScreenName());

4.) With these simple steps, we can make a program that takes a phone number, a pin, and prints out a name

import 'package:openbubi_tutorial/openbubi.dart' as openbubi;
import 'dart:io';

void main() async {
  stdin.echoMode = false;
  stdout.write('Please enter your phone number: ');
  var phoneNumber = await stdin.readLineSync(); // we need the await keyword because this is an async function
  stdout.write('\nPlease enter your pin: ');
  var pin = await stdin.readLineSync(); // we need the await keyword because this is an async function

  var user = await openbubi.BubiUser(phoneNumber ?? "", pin ?? ""); // provide empty string if input is empty
  stdout.write("\n${await user.getScreenName()}\n");

5.) Run the program

dart run


ScreenShot of output

Congratulations! You've made your first OpenBubi program! 🎉

You can read a more technical documentation about the built-in functions here.