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Making a news reader

What are we going to do?

We are going to make a Tkinter-based GUI program that lists the MOL Bubi news.


The only (not preinstalled) dependency for this project is tkhtmlview. If you want to install it with pip, type the following command:

pip install tkhtmlview

Write the program

First of all, make a new Python script in the cloned folder

mkdir bubinews && touch bubinews/

Then import all the necessary modules in the newly created program/script

import sys # for manipulating the path
sys.path.append("../") # add the folder of to the path
import openbubi
from tkinter import * # for making the GUI
import json # for converting the output of openbubi to a dictionary
import datetime # for converting epoch time to datetime
from tkhtmlview import HTMLLabel # for displaying HTML elements in tkinter

Then initialize a Tkinter window with the name root, and title BubiNews

root = Tk()

Then make a label with the text BubiNews. This is going to be the title

Label(root, text="BubiNews", font=("Helvetica", 20)).pack()


  1. Initialize a new instance of the BubiHelpers class

  2. Get the news in JSON format

  3. Convert the news (from JSON) to dictionary format

helpers = openbubi.BubiHelpers()
news = json.loads(helpers.getNewsFormatted())

Then iterate through the news, and make a paragraph for each

for i in news:
    currentTitle = i["title"]
    # set the `currentTitle` variable to the title of the current article
    currentDate = i["created_time"]
    # set the `currentDate` variable to the created_time of the current article (it is an epoch time)
    currentURL = i["url_webview"]
    # set the `currentURL` variable to the url_webview of the current article
    currentDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(currentDate).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    # convert the `currentDate` variable to datetime format
    headerLabel = HTMLLabel(root, html=f"<a style='font-size: 12px' href='{currentURL}'><p style='text-align: center'>{currentTitle}</p></a>", width=100, height=1.5)
    # make a HTML paragraph that redirects you to the website with the URL of `currentURL`
    dateLabel = Label(root, text=f"({currentDate})", font=("Helvetica", 10))
    # make a label that contains the date of the article
    # place the headerLabel
    # place the dateLabel

Then call the mainloop() function of the root window


And the final code is:

import sys # for manipulating the path
sys.path.append("../") # add the folder of to the path
import openbubi
from tkinter import * # for making the GUI
import json # for converting the output of openbubi to a dictionary
import datetime # for converting epoch time to datetime
from tkhtmlview import HTMLLabel # for displaying HTML elements in tkinter

root = Tk()

Label(root, text="BubiNews", font=("Helvetica", 20)).pack()

helpers = openbubi.BubiHelpers()
news = json.loads(helpers.getNewsFormatted())

for i in news:
    currentTitle = i["title"]
    # set the `currentTitle` variable to the title of the current article
    currentDate = i["created_time"]
    # set the `currentDate` variable to the created_time of the current article (it is an epoch time)
    currentURL = i["url_webview"]
    # set the `currentURL` variable to the url_webview of the current article
    currentDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(currentDate).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    # convert the `currentDate` variable to datetime format
    headerLabel = HTMLLabel(root, html=f"<a style='font-size: 12px' href='{currentURL}'><p style='text-align: center'>{currentTitle}</p></a>", width=100, height=1.5)
    # make a HTML paragraph that redirects you to the website with the URL of `currentURL`
    dateLabel = Label(root, text=f"({currentDate})", font=("Helvetica", 10))
    # make a label that contains the date of the article
    # place the headerLabel
    # place the dateLabel


Source code

I uploaded the source code of this program to GitHub